

DeNami Challenge- Wedding box

For the DeNami Product Challenge, I was able to download a template (you should do it too-I think you have until the end of the day!) for this cool favor/gift box. I decided to use a silver cardstock for the base of the box, and embellish it with ruffled ribbon and paper flowers. I stamped and embossed the sentiment in red to match the flowers.

(don't you just love the telephone lines in the background? Really elegant....)

And here is the back. I wanted to add a die cut monogram on it, but since the challenge ends tonight I did not have enough time- I can always add it later!


  1. This is so pretty! Very classy and stylish!
    I just love that red, black, and kraft color scheme. I'm so glad you participated in the DeNami challenge! :)

  2. Jennifer, this is so stylish! Love the ruffled ribbon- it's such a perfect touch!

    Thanks for playing along with the DeNami challenge!

  3. Amazingly awesome! I love this! The ruffled ribbon is just yummy :) So glad you could play with us at the DeNami challenge!!

  4. Gorgeous. The flowers and ruffled ribbon accents are beautiful!


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