

SP and Co September Blog Hop- Day 2

Welcome to day 2 of the SP and Co September release!

This month's color is pink. Join us as we share pink projects using brand new SP and Company stamps that will be released on the 10th. Not only does the Design Team get to play with this color, but YOU do too! After you're done hopping around today, make sure you play along with this month's pink challenge (click here for details) for a chance to win some awesome SP and Company prizes! And don't forget that the random prize patrol is watching so leave a comment on every blog each day to be eligible for the prizes!!

Today I am sharing a card using a new houndstooth background stamp. The size of the pattern is perfect- not too large or small.
I used a layout from Card Patterns, although I flipped and simplified it.

Make sure you check out the SP Blog and see what Samantha did with the new stamps! Also, Mistyrose has a project for you today, so stop by her blog and check out what she has been up to. Pop back in here on the 10th for the entire SP and Company Design Team Blog Hop!!!

(PS Today is my birthday! Woohoo!)


  1. Sweet ELEGANCE!!!! Jen...I love your work :o)

  2. What a sweet card. I love the button in the middle of the circle stamp.

  3. Saw that it was your birthday in the comments sections over at the PCC, Jen! Happy birthday to you as well, I hope your Thursday is beautiful and that your birthday is the best one yet!

  4. Happy Birthday!! loving your classy card as well..nice

  5. Very elegant and clean, I love it! :)

  6. Pretty card...and happy birthday!

  7. Nice card...clean & simple. Happy Birthday!!!

  8. what a beautiful card! Happy Birthday!


  9. Happy Birthday! I hope you've enjoyed your day and not had to work too hard :)

    Beautiful card :) I love the brown and pink, it tones the pink down just enough for me to enjoy it :)

  10. Beautiful and gorgeous! Have a happy birthday!

  11. very pretty..and i love the circle stamps..happy bday too

    beautiful...checking all the blogs on the hop...thanks

  12. Such a pretty, clean card! Love it! Have a great birthday!

  13. Happy happy birthday, Jennifer! Love your clean and simple card layout!

  14. Happy Birthday, Jennifer! Your stitching and houndstooth look great with your LOVE circular sentiment. Great pink card!

  15. Wonderful card- I really like the circular accent! Happy birthday!!

  16. Congrats on your win and belated birthday wishes!


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me a comment!

If you ask a question, please make sure that you leave your email address, or that I can view it in your profile so I can respond :)

(note: I have disabled anonymous commenting due to the 20+ spam comments I have been receiving each day. Please email me at if this is a problem for you- I wasn't sure how many people would be unable to comment if I did this)