


***For my 10 Minute Craft Dash card and video, click here or scroll down!***

I'm thrilled that I had time today to make a card for the Avery Elle challenge!  Check out this cool inspiration:

Sadly, I don't own any AE stamps, but thankfully they created a digi for this challenge :)  I hope that they don't favor the stamp entries when judging...hehe.

Digis are tough for me- I don't use them often (or ever?).  To create my card, I copied the lanterns into Photoshop and arranged them so they would overlap. Then, I printed them (along with the sentiment) onto white cardstock. I REALLY wanted to watercolor the lanterns, but the paint would make the printer ink run. Instead, I sloppily colored them with pastel-colored Copic markers- definitely not the same effect that watercolor would have had, but I still like it!

Thanks so much for stopping by!


  1. Jen! You are a master of digi stamps! A wonderful designer all the time! :) Thank you for joining us!

  2. It's a beauty to me. So you. :)

  3. Seriously, I love this! Great design and loving the 'sloppy' coloring. It's perfect!

  4. Wow you work fast! Love this card! You should work with digits more often! Great work Jen!

  5. You are amazing Jennifer! Stunning!

  6. Jennifer- This is stunning. What a terrific way to use the digital stamp!

  7. This is awesome! I really like how you used the digital stamp--super creative

  8. LOVE your take on the inspiration piece!

  9. ooh...this is so beautiful Jen!
    I love how you used the digi! Wow...never would have thought to overlap them! So neat!

  10. So pretty! I haven't had much success with digis at all. You've done magic with these.

  11. LOVE this! Perfectly illuminating lanterns!!

  12. Simply perfect! I knew I had no chance when I saw this! Congratulations on the guest design spot :)

  13. Congratulations on winning ae! This really is a stunning card. The colors are delicious.

  14. Absolutely stunning card!! I'm not at all surprised it was the winner. :-) Gorgeous colours and great graphic feel!!

  15. Congrats on your win - you lucky duck. Love AE's designs.


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