

CSS Party Hop

Party time!

Today CSS is wrapping up the Favorites release with a fun party hop.  First up from me is an invite- I left off a sentiment because this simple and versatile design could be used for a baby shower, baptism, first birthday, etc.  This card is super-reproducible: the abundance of die cutting means that it's something I could have my husband help me with!  He's great at cranking dies through the machine!!

I also made a favor box with a fun surprise inside...

Did you notice that there seem to be some jelly beans missing in there? Yea, because I ate them. :)  I also ate the rest of the bag...

Here's what it looked like before I got to them, along with some other treats:

M&M brownies...yummmmmmm

The wood I used was easy to run through my die cutter for my projects- I just wish I knew who the manufacturer was! I've had the sheet in my stash for a reaaaaally long time.

Well, I've got to send you on your way for some more party hoppin'!
Clear and Simple Stamps

My Utility Belt (tools I use often!)


  1. I'm having a little trouble seeing past those treats! Yum! Cute card and cute treat box, Jen!

  2. the wood sheets are awesome!! they bring such a warmth to your projects. And those brownies look so delicious... must.look.away. I haven't baked in almost a month and your pictures are giving me the itch :)

  3. Um, yum! Those brownies look delish! ;) And the little birds on the fence are just adorable. Loving that little box!

  4. Great ensemble Jen! Love the use of the wood sheets - really ups the sophistication and elegance of your projects in such a perfect way!!

  5. Your display makes me want to PARTY!! The treat box is gorgeous! Love the brownie banners--so cute!

  6. All of it is so cute. Love the white on white fence and the how pretty that little box looks when you open it. What nice surprise.

  7. So cute!! Love the jelly beans inside like that.


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