

I'm a guest in the CLASSroom!!

A little while ago, I got one of the best emails ever- and invitation from Ellen Hutson to be a guest in the CLASSroom!  Of course I said yes :)  Below is a little sneak peek of my card:

I have a little treat for you as well...a giveaway!  Here are some of the products I used, and you can win the whole bundle!

Please leave a comment by the end of the day Monday (I'll draw a winner on Tuesday), answering this question:

What was your favorite part of this week?

Mine? Going to the beach!  Warm sun, cool water....just perfect.  Thanks to Ellen for sponsoring this giveaway, and for giving me the chance to be a guest!  Now go pop over to the CLASSroom!


  1. Popped over to the classroom and left my comment there, but I will leave it here too! I love that you used the die on the envelope too! My favourite part of this week was going through an old photo album with my aunt - seeing my mom and her sisters as youngsters was priceless and hearing all the stories that accompanied the pictures were a precious gift.

  2. Congrats on being guest designer in The Classroom! You have me scrambling for my larger skyline die, to see how it would look embossed. My favorite part of this week is today (Friday) - today is the last day of commuting 120 miles each weekday to get an non-driver's-licensed offspring to and from a fabulous summer intern job.

  3. What a super cool card & envelope! I love the step by step instructions in "the Classroom" and really enjoy your awesome creations, Jennifer - totally inspiring!

  4. Whoops! I forgot to post my fave part of this week.
    It was definitely spending some fun time at a local water park with my 5 cute little grandbabies : )

  5. Congrats on being selected to be a Guest Designer!! LOVE your cards! The best part of my week is improvement in my shoulder PT; looking forward to getting back into my craft room soon.

  6. Congrats on being a guest designer at Ellen Hutson Classroom.
    This Cityscape die is one of my favorite. Your card is gorgeous, as usual... I love the white on white and the embossed envelope, great idea! I will definitely give it a try.
    Now for the best part of my week; it was crafting a lot, and not only with paper.
    Thank you for the chance.

  7. What a nice card! Favorite part of the week was my first posting ever of one of my cards to a blog challenge.

  8. How exciting to see you really becoming acknowledged! -- Shout outs - invites -- so fun for you - AND us as we get to see all your fabulousness :) This bundle looks so fun :)

    Since all i do is stamp, the best part of my week..... stamping :)

  9. I took my son to Build a Bear this week at the Natick Mall. He "built" his first bear. So cute.

  10. congrats on the guestie over at Ellen's! Your card is simply amazing.

    FAV part this week...Although I was on a Staycation this week, it was filled with work and home stuff so I really appreciated the very little time I had to craft...

  11. I met up with a friend who I worked with and hadn't seen for a while. We had a nice lunch and just chatted about everything...especially how nice it is to be retired!

  12. Congratulations on being over at the CLASSroom! Love your card and matching envie.

    Favorite part of this week was spending time with my family!

  13. What a fun opportunity for you! Congrats! :)

    My favorite part of the week was Monday. We homeschool and Monday was the first day of school with a new curriculum that I just LOVE! :)

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  14. Love your Classroom tutorial!
    My favorite part of this week is that I have 3 days off work! :) And looking forward to going to a fun crafty sidewalk sale on Sunday at my favorite stamp store!

  15. Loved your card over at the CLASSroom. I love to splatter too. Also, the envelope was very eyecatching. My favorite thing this week was shopping for my grandson who is 4 today.

  16. CONGRATS on the special guest design gig with The Classroom, Jen! You so deserve the spot light! Can' wait to see what you'll teach in the Classroom! Sunday was my favorite day when my daughter safely returned from S. Africa :)

  17. My favorite part of this week was the flowers my husband surprised me with! It has been a while and I loved it!

  18. wow - this was a bittersweet week - We have dropped off 2 of our 3 kids at their colleges ... the 3rd goes this weekend ... the reality has hit - the house will be kidless! I miss them so, but am so happy and excited for them as they each enter different phases of their lives - so my favorite part is seeing them all happy and content. thanks for the fun and inspiration.
    Sandra ltb

  19. First, I have to say your card is amazing, and I'm going to have to try these techniques. And every single second has been my favorite part of this week! Our son/dil/and little Kelly have been here visiting from Scottsdale, and it's been wonderful. There's nothing like the sound of her laughter and squeals as she runs through the house yelling "chase me grandma!", or the look on her face when I made her #4 shaped pancakes for her birthday, the beach with her, the zoo with her...I could go on forever telling you about this visit, but I'll stop here. It's been a glorious, memory-filled, wonderful week! Thanks for letting me share a little of it. Bev

  20. Saw your post on Ellen's Classroom blog. Fantastic card and envie. So creative and lovely.

  21. First you're as cute as a button! Fabulous card/envelope with all the splatters! My favorite part of this week is shopping at Hobby Lobby!! (It's been awhile...)

  22. Congrats on the spotlight over at the Classroom. I loved the idea of embossing onto the envelope. My fave part of the week was going to the movies to see Despicable Me with my hubby and sister and going out after for some dinner.

  23. fabulous!! well deserved..i am so grateful for the energy and ability to be able to create..the canvases i worked on this week are coming along..i love being able to see in my mind and sleep more ideas to finish them..

  24. My favorite part of the week was completing a personal project that I had been procrastinating for a long time. Feels so good to get it done!

  25. Great card, Jennifer - I love the envelope, too! My favorite part of the week was shopping at Target with my son who is going off to college next week.

  26. My favorite part of week so far is right now,getting a pedi,just got nails done,and headed to get hair cut in a little while,yea me.....

  27. What a fantastic card and envelope set. I love it! The best part of my week, is filling in this form with the hopes of winning the fantastic prize. I'd love to have an envelope cutter board, those fab colours and wonderful sentiments. Thanks for the chance to win. :-)

  28. That envelope puncher!! LOVE that debossing on the envelope!

  29. I really love that skyline die, it looks so versatile. My favorite part of this week is today because I am making a birthday card for my son who is turning 24 on Tuesday.

  30. Your card was great, thanks for sharing your techniques! My favorite part of last week was Tuesday. Every Tuesday a group of friend meet for coffee and it is a like a party every week. Friendships are so precious .. cherish them.

  31. I know this is unusual but I actually got a whole week of work in (it's been about 2 months since this has happened). I have a project that I'm testing at work and I feel like I made a ton of strides in my testing thanks to the whole 5 days.

    My next favorite thing - I went to Hobby Lobby on lunch and found this cute Christmas tree stamp and now I know what I'm making for my Christmas cards, yeah! Now I just have to make 60 or so...

  32. My favourite part of the week was spending time with some of my children, grandchildren and husband while we fished, water boarded, kayaked and basically enjoyed being with each other. What a gorgeous week!
    Then, I got to come home and relax!!

  33. Mine was Wednesday afternoon. My 6yr old and 8yr have gym classes back to back. Its hard driving back and forth so many times to drop off, swap over then pick up again but they love their classes so much and feel so proud of what they have accomplished or learned that day. Makes all the driving worth it!!

  34. Congrats on your guest design spot at The Classroom, so fun. My favorite part of this week was getting to spend quality time with my only child who will be leaving for college this weekend. I am totally depressed when he is not around so I treasure every moment when he is home!!

  35. Congrats on your guest spot. My favorite part of this week was today when my grandson (who is 3) asked us to build a home in his hometown so that he could see us every day. My heart melted, as I wish it was that easy to do. That is such a beautiful age!

  36. How exciting to see you at The Classroom today. Love it!
    the best part of my week was using a vacation day yesterday to stay home and stamp...all day!

  37. Thanks for the inspiration in the classroom!
    My favorite part of the week was last Saturday to Sunday, visiting at a friend's cabin. So relaxing!

  38. LOVE your project in the Classroom!
    Fav part of this week was helping serve breakfast to 186 at a shelter this morning as part of a team volunteer event. It put the whole week in perspective - being thankful for the blessings given each and every day.

  39. I enjoyed your awesome card in the CLASSroom. My favorite part of this week was seeing my grandsons.
    slrdowney at hotmail dot com

  40. My weekend starts on either Wednesday or Thursday depending on the week so no TGIF for me :) but I love my early morning crafting when the house is quiet, any day of the week

  41. congrats on being in the classroom. i think i may like that envelope even more than the card! my favorite part of this week? sadly it's TGIF and glad that it's over!

  42. I saw your delicious post over at the Classroom and just think your card is so fresh and modern. Thank you!

  43. Love your cards, and what a creative idea to use the cityscape like you did!! My favorite thing this week was when we had rain for an entire day...loved that as we needed it so bad!! Congrats on your post for cool is that!!!

  44. WOW--Congrats on being a Guest for the CLASSroom---love their step-by-steps! My fave things this week was spending time with my kids at a really great adventure park--we all loved it!
    P.S. LOVE your card!

  45. Love Ellen Hutson and the Classroom which I frequently visit each week. Welcome to the Classroom this week and inspiring all of us. One of the things that I TOO did this week with my students, was to do a "splatter technique" but I did it with my water color pencils. The ladies loved it!! It is always such fun to do an envelope to give a surprise hint at what the person receiving the card can expect. Thanks!!!

  46. AWESOME CARD!! I LOVE your FUN Design and the great Tutorial!! THANKS for sharing and CONGRATS on being a GD!! Have a. Fabulous Weekend!! ;)

  47. Thanks for the lesson in making the fab card, I'm a huge fan of the splatter look! Gorgeous! My favourite part of this past week was time my treasured crafting time, which sometimes has to be carved out!

  48. I love the white on white die cut. I would never have thought to do that! Cute card over all.

  49. Your envelope is just the coolest thing. LOVE IT!! Best part of my week was keeping my grandson. He's the coolest thing, too.

  50. Love the embossed envelope. Best part of my week was spending time with my son before he left for school (though the latter was rather sad.)

  51. Congrats on being a guest designer this week in the Classroom. The best part of my week was getting ready for a vacation next week! Can't wait.

  52. Love the card & embossed envelope. Congrats on the classroom spot. My favorite part of the week was watching the mountain bluebirds drinking water in my yard :)

  53. your card is beautiful and I Love the matching envelope! The Classroom is a great place to showcase your work, but now I am going to check out your blog!

  54. haha I just wrote a novel about your card art on the Classroom's comments. I adore your card art. My favorite is the run way challenges and seeing how you were inspired by the inspiration photos. You are so artistic. I always feel more like I'm viewing art, rather than a greeting card. I loved the matching envelope with the impressed city scape die to match the wonderful card. My favorite part of the week, was the whole week. LOL My husband cleaned out his closet and dressers, which I usually object to. I was so jealous Monday when I walked in to the closet and his side breathed a sigh of relief, while my side was jam packed so full that not one more piece of clothing would fit. I have spent all week going through 3 closets, 2 dressers and a hope chest full of my things......letting go and organizing. Ah.....that feels better. I've only done it 2 other times in my life of 50 years and 31 years of marriage. LOL I just realize I missed the sock drawer! hahaha

  55. Hi Jen! I just saw your beautiful card on The Classroom and I love it! Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful art and techniques!!

    My favorite part of the week is visiting with family while vacationing in WA state. We had a family reunion last Saturday with my husbands siblings and offspring, with my siblings and their offspring on Sunday and with a favorite aunt and cousin on Thursday.

  56. Love the card and envelope. I never thought of embossing my envelopes. Thanks for being a guest at The Classroom.

  57. Jen, I love your card set. The envelope puts it over-the-top!

  58. I didn't answer the question! This has not been the best week but, when I come home, all my kitties make me happy plus we had a nice visit with some friends yesterday.

  59. My favorite part of this week was going to middle school Open House and watching my youngest daughter as she met her new teachers and got to see what middle school was going to be like. She was happy and excited to be entering sixth grade!

  60. My favourite part of this past week was meeting the amazing ladies at Ellen Hutson when I popped in to pick up my order! I even met Ellen! I rode a ferry, waiting in a long border line up and drove almost two hours to pick up this order but it was worth it! Love your card and I'm going to try this technique for sure!

  61. Congrats on the guest spot over in the CLASSroom!! Your card was so cool, and I loved the envie to match! What fun!! My favorite part of this week was seeing my sister, who I haven't been able to see much lately. It was great to have some time to catch up with her. Thanks for the chance to win!

  62. My favourite thing this week was a spontaneous dinner invitation from friends I hadn't seen for some time, it was most lovely!

  63. My favorite part of this week was when my son came home after doing a whole summer internship way across the US! We missed him!

  64. Congrats on being the guest designer at the CLASSROOM. It was fun having to see create all the awesome eyecandy. The favorite part of this week was that you actually embossed the envelope. That is an amazing idea and the results are spectacular!!! Also I loved watching the tutorial and loved the woodland tree die.

  65. I loved the envelope! Such a nice way to bring it all together! The best part of my week was yesterday (Sunday) watching my 6 yr old grandson and his Ball Hockey team win Gold. He was so excited!

  66. I LOVE IT! I really like it when an envelope is also unique! Great job! `God bless!

    Favorite part of the week? Playing with my new Simon Says Stamp Card kit that just came today....WOOHOO!

  67. Jen, that is fantastic! You are so talented. My favorite part of the week was having my son come home after a 3 month internship. Now I am wondering if he will ever move out! ;)

  68. I did something delightful this week, making place cards for my son's wedding. My soon to be daughter in law helped and I taught her how to emboss the cards. She embossed over 90 cards; they are beautiful. It was a fun time that we will always remember and now she understands why I have so many crafty tools!

  69. Love your awesome project!!!! Favorite part of the week has been babysitting my nephew, he's so much fun!! :)

  70. Congrats! My favorite part was being able to craft for a couple of days.

  71. My favourite part of the week was yesterday, when I went to the butterfly house with my 18 month and 4 year old nephews, their parents and my sisters - it was amazing!


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me a comment!

If you ask a question, please make sure that you leave your email address, or that I can view it in your profile so I can respond :)

(note: I have disabled anonymous commenting due to the 20+ spam comments I have been receiving each day. Please email me at if this is a problem for you- I wasn't sure how many people would be unable to comment if I did this)