

First Post

Please bear with me as I figure out how to photograph my work...I'm new to this sort of stuff. If anyone has tips, please let me know!

Now onto business....

My first ever challenge is a two-fer. I created a card based on a layout at Sketchy Thursdays (view my card sideways to see the design inspiration).

as well as Cards Blog's Challenge of using trees.

I started by painting the tree with watercolor. I put a blob of very watery black paint where I wanted to trunk to be, then blew it with a straw so it would fan out naturally. It did require some coaxing, to prevent it from running off the page! This was also my first attempt at sewing on ribbon- I used a cute polka-dotted sheer purple ribbon.


  1. Very cool. I love that you used watercolors!

  2. holy cow! this is awesome!!!!! thanks for playing along with us! - heidi, sketchy thursdays


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