

Embellish Birthdays Color Challenge

For this Embellish Magazine challenge, the colors were pink, brown, blue, and green:

Any birthday-themed project can be made. Inspired by all of the amazing whimsical birthday cakes that some high end bakers make, I made this "cake of boxes."

I made the flower from a tutorial at Mainly Flowers. I love how it turned out, and I can see myself making many more of these in the future! Each tier of the cake is a box (I got the unfinished paper mache boxes at the craft store), and I glued the bottom lid to the middle box, and the middle lid to the top box. I plan on giving this to my cousin for her isn't for another few months, so for now I'll show you would it would look like with gifts:

I really enjoyed these colors, so I just couldn't resist grabbing my coordinating tableware to make it feel like we're having a party!


  1. That is a very cute idea! Just adorable. I may have to try this sometime myself.

  2. Just found your blog, very beautiful cards. You are very talented!

  3. Wow! Are you serious? This is awesome!! Way to use those colors!!

  4. Wow...I love this! Thanks for playing along with us!

  5. This is too cute. I love it AND may "borrow" your idea.


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