

Classy & Elegant

This was such a fun card to make! I think I have mentioned before how much I love embroidery on cards. It's fun, relatively simple, and embroidery floss is cheap! It also comes in every imaginable color. I made this card for the Moxie Fab World's Card Style Week challenge. I think this card embodies classy and elegant! The colors are very rich, and I got them from this week's cQc #41:

I'm sure you can now see where I got the inspiration for my card, right down to the pink rhinestones!


  1. Beautiful card! Thanks for playing the CQC!

  2. This is so pretty! I love the jewel accents!! Great job with the Moxie Fab challenge!!


  3. OOOH! LOVELY! LOVE the embroidery and are those french knots! How FAB this is!

  4. Hey Jen! Thanks for entering the Let's Do Classy & Elegant Card Style Week challenge in the Moxie Fab World. I'm so glad you joined in on all the fun! :)


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