

Dark Knight

I hope my brother doesn't read this post (this card is for his birthday!)....

I thought it would be really cool to make him a comic themed card. He loves the Batman graphic novels and movies, so it seemed a perfect choice! I die cut the silhouette from a Batman font, and the rest is pretty self explanatory.

I'm submitting this card to the Moxie Fab World's card style challenge, for "clean and graphic." I realllllly hope this counts towards that style- it definitely seems clean and graphic to me!

Oh yea, one more thing: the layout is from CPS:


  1. Oh, I love it! How creative! I am sure your brother will love it. :)

  2. Hey Jen! Thanks once again for entering the Let's Do Clean & Graphic Card Style challenge in the Moxie Fab World! :)


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