

Flashback Friday!

Okay...I'm going to be brave.

Amy from Tsuruta Designs re-posted the first card she ever put on her blog, and challenged readers to do the same. Now, before you see it, I want to remind you of how terrible the photography was (I'm sure in the future I'll say the same thing about the pics I take now once I get a "real" camera and learn how to take photos!). The card itself I actually like, and am not ashamed. Here it is:

You can also check out that first post here. The card was also featured on the Cards blog, the first challenge I ever entered, which is why I made this blog in the first place. Look at all the designers featured here, (mine is Thank You by Jennifer Rzasa), then look up 3 names. WOW! Amy Tsuruta! Isn't that weird! Especially since I first started following her blog last week. Who knew my first blog experience was shared with her as well!

Now you're in for a real treat. I will boldly show you the first card I ever made. Well, not ever- I know as a kid I made a lot of cards for my parents, and made cards at school, etc. But it was the first card I made as an adult (I was 21) when I first started paper crafting 5 years ago.

Where's the focal point? (there is none)
Where's the sentiment? (there is none)
Where's the creativity? (umm....the colors?)

I apparently liked vellum at the time- it's the only thing that actually made it onto the card! At the time, I think I knew it wasn't a great card, which is why I saved it and never gave it to anyone. Oh well- you've gotta start somewhere!


  1. Well, isn't this karma for ya?!!!! How wild that we were 'linked' back then....sooo glad that you decided to play along with my Flashback Friday Challenge!!! Your thank you card is absolutely beautiful...lovely, lovely work!!!!

    Sooo fun that you posted your first card:) Good grief, I should do that too...the first one that I can find a pic for....hmmmm...thanks for the inspiration:)

  2. Your cards are great. The top one is absolutely GORGEOUS. I love that branch. AND as for your very first card, I love it. I like the vellum. You could add things to it now if you wanted. There is NO TIME LIMIT on altering your own works. LOL This was a fun challenge. Cool that you and Amy were linked like that.


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