

15 min card

Today's card is for this week's OTWC challenge. If you've noticed from my past pics, I prefer to photograph outside...probably since I havn't quite figured out how to do it indoors yet.

I knew that with summer coming to a close, I'd quickly run out of precious daylight, so at around 6:00pm it was a race against the sun to finish this card. I managed to pull it together in around 15 min, then rushed outside to take the pictures....and the sun had already gone below the trees!! AUGH!

I had to settle on taking it indoors on my leather chair. I hope it's okay!

If anyone has some indoor photography tricks, please let me know.

Also, if you havn't entered my giveaway for this collage yet, click on it below:


  1. Love this! Thanks for joining us this week at OTWC and Good luck!

  2. Awesome card!! Thanks for playing at OTWC and good luck!!


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