

2S4Y Design Team Search

Like the last challenge, this week 2 Sketches 4 You is giving away a spot (well, actually 2!) on their design team. How exciting! I've never been on a design team, but would love the opportunity. It always seems like so much fun! Here's my card:

I've already made 1 or 2 cards in a similar style to this before- I think my "signature technique" might be using embroidery floss. I feel like I'm always talking about how great it is!

I made the silhouette of the ornament on the front panel with a circle cutter, then hand cut the small bit at the top. The hanger is a piece of wire that I sewed on with only 3 or 4 stitches with invisible thread, and that whole front panel is put on with foam adhesive, adding texture and revealing the floss beneath. Thanks for checking it out!


  1. This is so creative! Love this effect, really awesome.

  2. What a wonderfully CREATIVE card...I love it!!!

  3. Ohhhh, what a fun and creative take on the sketch! It's totally fab!!!

  4. This is the coolest card I've seen in a while. Bravo!

  5. This is so CREATIVE! LOVE the vibrant colors of the floss!

  6. this card is an absolute stunner! I love how simple it is but it is sooooo striking - wow!
    Thanks for joining us this week at 2S4Y

  7. WOW.WOW.WOW!!!
    think that about covers it.
    soooooooooo clever.
    love this card.
    marty ferraro

  8. Wow Jennifer, this is such a cool design idea! Good luck!

  9. PS. Forgot to say how I love your choice of floss colors, and the idea of floss at all! So creative!


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me a comment!

If you ask a question, please make sure that you leave your email address, or that I can view it in your profile so I can respond :)

(note: I have disabled anonymous commenting due to the 20+ spam comments I have been receiving each day. Please email me at if this is a problem for you- I wasn't sure how many people would be unable to comment if I did this)