

Embellish Felt

Today's color inspiration comes courtesy of Embellish Magazine, with the added challenge of using felt. This was certainly a difficult one for me. First of all, the colors are not ones I would typically put together. Secondly, I have a weird thing with felt- I can't touch it! Not sure why, but for as long as I can remember, the feeling of felt really makes me uncomfortable- which posed a problem for this challenge. I ended up wearing a pair of leather gloves while I worked, and it was perfect! Here's what I came up with:

I machine-stitched the felt, and through trial and error figured out a really simple way to do it. I printed an image I liked onto computer paper, placed that on the felt, and sewed over it (see pic below). It was easy to trace the design, and once I flipped it over, it looked beautiful! I hope to use this technique again soon- it was a lot of fun!

(pic of the backside once I was all done)


  1. ::thud:: this is magnificent!!

  2. Wonderful card, and great tutorial! Thanks for sharing and Thanks for playing along with us!

  3. Beautiful. Innovative. The best thing I've seen with felt in a really long time. So glad you left a comment on my birthday post, I'd love to see what you could do with twine-do you have any?

  4. Um.....holy freakin' moly! I am floored - this is brilllllliaaaannt!

  5. I'm with Char - this is BRILLIANT! :) So glad you played along with us at Embellish!

  6. Wow, your stitched flowers are stunning! I love this.

  7. Gorgeous! I love your idea of stitching the image.


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