

A Festivus for the rest of us

I have to be honest- I made today's card just for a laugh. Papertrey Ink is having their October blog hop, and I wanted to participate! The challenge is to make a holiday card that is NOT a Christmas card.

I went through the possibilities....Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Winter Solstice- I knew everyone else would be doing these. And then it hit me- Festivus! If you're a fan of Seinfeld, you are probably already familiar with this bogus holiday. I made my card with that in mind, complete with an aluminum Festivus pole!

It's not my best work by far, but it was quick and fun to make. I hope this counts for the hop! :)

Update: I just found out that someone else made a Festivus card too!! You can check out Stacy's here. It's a Festivus Miracle!!


  1. Hee hee! How funny are you?? And, I wonder who you willing be giving this card to! :)

  2. Ha! I know it's funny, but since I don't know the story (I have heard refernce to it before)... well, I'll just laugh at an empty pole, lol!!

  3. Awesome! Love Seinfeld and totally get the reference. This is so cool and totally qualifies! ;)

  4. Ha ha- yes, just too funny! I TOLD my husband I should have made a Festivus card!!!

  5. Love it! You are actually the second person from the hop so far that has made a festivus card!

  6. I have no idea what Festivus is...but your card is super fun!! Tee hee! Great job with the PTI Blog Hop challenge! ♥♥♥

  7. Love it, I made a Festivus card too but the aluminum pole did not make it onto mine. :)

  8. Ahhh another fun festivus card, heee! Like the bare pole!

  9. I LOVE IT!!! HAAAAAAAA. Glad you included the pole! Ha!

  10. Too funny!! Very cute and fun card!

  11. Great take on the challenge! What a fun card!

  12. lol!!! Way fun!!! Love your take on the challenge!

  13. OH MY!! You are hilarious!! Love your card and your sense of humor! TFS!

  14. this is really fun, love the snow :)

  15. Another fun card. Great job with the PTI challenge.

    It's a good life!
    Terri E.

  16. Snort! Love it! I think celebrating Festivus should be mandatory. Love your card... it's perfect!


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