


Have you heard? Sadly, EBTKS is having their last challenge this week. This news came outta nowhere! I'm going to really miss their challenges.

The inspiration is texture. I incorporated texture into my card in a few ways. I de-bossed the snowflake on the white cardstock, folded a 3D poinsettia (haha, I will never forget how to spell that now!), and used a paper with flocking-the pinkish color in the striped paper is super fuzzy!


  1. Beautiful, Jen! Thanks for playing with us EBTKS girls one last time! :D

  2. I LOVE that 3D pointsettia and the debossing technique! FAB card!

  3. Beautiful! I LOVE that flower! Do you have a tutorial for it? Thanks for joining us in the EBTKS challenge! :)


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