

Flashback Friday 9.0

Today I am playing along with Amy's Flashback Friday Challenge. The challenge this time is to re-post your first window card.

The card I'm linking up is originally from February 2010, and I first posted it here. I remember having a hard time keeping the thread straight in the window! Here it is:


  1. the string hearts!

  2. Oh my goodness. This is adorable. I LOVE those hearts on the string. Absolutely clever. Great window card. Thanks so much for playing along with Flashback Friday.

  3. okay, isn't this just stinkin' a-dorable! The hearts are SWEET and the colors are so fab! Thanks so much for playing with us in the Flashback Friday challenge!

  4. Now *that's* adorable! All those strung-up hearts are adorable. What a fabulous first window card. :)


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