

Best Wishes (CASE Study)

I've been reading a lot about MoldMuse's Etsy shop on a bunch of crafting blogs recently, and decided to order 2 molds. I got them a few weeks ago, but haven't used them until last night. They were so easy to use! I'm a lover of polymer clay, and although I don't mention it on the blog, I love sculpting, as well as making custom beads and pendants for jewelry. (You can see one of my pendants here, at what I think is the only mention of clay in my whole blog!)

These molds just changed my life.

My gosh, I made all of these beautiful embellishments in about 15 minutes (plus baking time, of course). I kept most of them plain except for the one in the bottom-right corner of this picture, which I flecked with silver leafing:

And the small purple-y teal one in this photo right above the mold:
Today I was excited to use one of my new clay flowers on a card for this week's CASE Study challenge. Here's the finished card:

Nice and simple, to let the flower be the spotlight!


  1. fabulous!

  2. Wait a second. Hold the phone. You *made* that clay flower embellishment? That's amazing! I'm totally in awe at this moment.

  3. love your hand made embellishments! such an elegant card!

  4. Jennifer, I was thinking about ordering some of those molds, but the blog I read talked about using resin and ICE resin to make the flowers. I didn't think I wanted to get into that. So these were made of polymer clay? They came out beautiful! Now I will have to give these a try too!

    Thanks for sharing!!!

  5. These look really fab. Your card is very elegant. Look forward to seeing what other projects you make with them. x

  6. Absolutely fabulous!! LOVE those flowers.

  7. WOOOOOW! Those are beautiful.

  8. love your hand made embellishments! Your card is very elegant.

  9. awesome CAS design, the flower is amazing!
    Thanks for sharing at CASE study this week! :)

  10. Shut up! I LOVE this card!! And I'm totally jealous of your moulds :P
    Thank you for joining us at the CASE Study!

  11. Very cool, Jennifer. Love the colors of your flowers. I went to check out those molds too, just haven't bought any yet. I sure my kids would love to help me out with a project like that :) Lovely card too by the way.

  12. I love the flowers you made out of polymer clay! I visited the site and I just might order me some molds! I haven't worked with the clay before, but your embellishments came out soooo beautifully, you make me want to try it!


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