

Best Day

I apologize in advance for this post....I don't normally post non-crafty things, and I promise I won't post anything non-crafty again in the near future.

I just wanted to share that I had the best day today! Here's the rundown:

-I saw that I'm one of the top 3 at CASE Study...woohoo!
-I solved an issue I was having with my die cutter
-My husband Dave and I played in a park (pics aren't great- it was really sunny)

-I got a sweet card in the mail from the always amazing Cristina (thanks so much!!)
-I found out that another GI finalist (Lindsay!) got her prizes in the mail today...might mine come tomorrow?!?
-Dave and I ate this awesome peanut butter/oreo pie I made last night. It was soooo hard to refrain from trying it last night and this morning- but it was worth the wait!
-And now I have some time before bed to make some cards :)

Did anyone else have a good day today?


  1. Glad you had a good day Jennifer. The park looks lovely. x

  2. So happy that you had one of those Best Days. I love it when my kids say "this is the best day ever" Hope that you get your goodies today. My day was very busy yestarday. I am hoping for a calm day today. I am even planning of even cooking dinner in the crockpot, maybe I will get to craft while dinner cooks. Congrats on getting top 3 at case study. Love those colorful trees.

  3. Oh bless ya, you're so sweet!! I'm glad you had such a good day, they make everything else seem right don't they?!
    I am not in the slightest surprised that you made the top 3, but I'll be honest, I'm taking pleasure in it too, hope you don't mind! I figure that if you're in the top 3 then I should take it as a massive compliment that you CASE'd one of my cards-although that's clearly not what you won it for!! :) I had a 'best day' the day I found out that you'd CASE'd me :)

    Woo-goodies! I hope you enjoy them when they arrive :)

    I have had a day of doing little else than making cards-lovely and creating a shopping wish list (of arty things, obviously!) :) I did a bit of washing and other boring domestic stuff, but the smell of clean clothes makes me pretty happy :)

    Thank you for making think about the happy things in my day :) and I look forward to seeing your cards :)


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(note: I have disabled anonymous commenting due to the 20+ spam comments I have been receiving each day. Please email me at if this is a problem for you- I wasn't sure how many people would be unable to comment if I did this)