

Material Girl

Good morning! Today is DT Wednesday for SP and Co! Make sure you check out Sami's blog to see if you won anything from commenting during the blog hop!

This month's new release is Sewing Chic.

I love finding inspiration for crafting in different places, and for this card I looked towards a bag I got last year:

I love the color, pattern, and stitching- I knew it would be perfect for a card!

I like how it came out, except for one thing. I use scraps all the time, and today the white panel that I stamped on came from my scrap pile. I didn't realize until the card was put together that you can totally see through to the other side! I had pinwheels stamped on the scrap, and there's a ghost image of it on the front of the card. :(

It's really tough to see, but it's there. Oh well, I guess I learned my lesson.


  1. OH WOW....This is just BEAUTIFUL Jen. LOVE IT!!!

  2. What a terrific translation! In fact, at first I thought I was looking at other angles of the real purse, before I realized it was your card. :) Awesome job, Jennifer! THanks for visiting my blog today. :)

  3. wow!!! this is just beautiful!!!
    very clever!!!

  4. Adorable!!! Love how you too inspiration from your purse!!
    -Kelli :)

  5. Seriously awesome! I love that bag (both the one IRL and the one you've created!) I can't spot the pinwheels on the other side and even if I could my eyes would be too taken with the bag :D

  6. This is so cool! I just love this card and I love that purse! You are so creative! Love this so much! Great job!

  7. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amazing job!

  8. How clever is this?! Great card!


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