

Christmas Cards

I have to apologize for my last post....I was very cold, and very frustrated! Luckily, power is back, and I'm nice and toasty! I made some holiday cards this afternoon that I'll share in a moment, but first, here is one I made on Saturday.

I went to my LSS to get some goodies, and they had an "art bar" with these great stamps! Here's what I made:

If I had more $, I would have definitely purchased that tree stamp- but I spent it all on dies and paper!
Now...back to this afternoon....

I wanted to catch up on making Christmas cards, so I decided to chip away at my self-issued challenge: to CASE everything from Kristina's Holiday Card Series.

inspired by day 6:
inspired by day 7:
inspired by day 8:

inspired by day 9:

inspired by day 10:


  1. Glad your power is back and boy, have you been busy! The red Christmas tree and Day 6 inspired card are my faves!

  2. These are great... love the white... oh fabulous white :) And fun to use the negative of the ornament, great idea.

  3. So glad to hear your power was restored!

    These cards are fantastic! LOVE each one!

  4. Is day 9the memory box die? I love that card. I'm going to have to borrow that one. It's super easy yet so posh. Girl you are amazingly talented and so inspirational?

  5. Oops that was not supposed to be a question about your talent it was a strong statement. Darn phone!

  6. I really love that tree stamp on the first card, so awesome!!!! great cards!!!

  7. Woah, I intensely love that Noel card. So much interest on a one-layer card. And I spy a die that I also just got (the ornament). :)

  8. Wow, what a wonderful mix of holiday cards! The tree stamp on the first card is gorgeous. Can you share the company who makes it?


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