

OCC Fabulous Faces (and Comic-Con!)'s Saturday.....which means a new challenge at Our Creative Corner! Marjie is host once again, and she wants to see projects with faces! Any faces will do.

I LOVE the graphic look of the face below. I printed it and the sentiment onto cardstock, and hand-cut the thought bubble.

....which brings me to the second half of this post. You can stop reading now if you are not interested. I won't feel bad!

Last weekend my husband and I were in NYC for New York Comic-Con. We try to go every year since they brought the convention to the east coast. Until then, it was only in San Diego (I've been to the SDCC once). Comic-Con is but one of the geek conventions we go to- and we always cosplay.

This year, we went as X-Men. I sewed my costume, and Dave's was a compilation of stuff he had already and things he bought at the thrift store. I went as Rogue (in a twist on her Legacy costume, if that means anything to you, hehe), and he was Gambit.

The pic below was taken at my parents' house- they live on LI so we stayed at their place and took the train into the city Saturday and Sunday.

When you get dressed up for one of these events, people want to take your picture. Soooo many people, in fact, that I imagine it is what celebrities must feel like when the paparazzi tails them. I got my photo taken on the way to lunch, while testing video games, and even when headed to the bathroom. It's fun to look for pics of yourself in online galleries that others have posted. Below is one of our faves that was taken of us, found here:

Even while we were having lunch at Subway about a block from the convention hall, people were taking pictures through the window. We wanted to join in the fun, so we took these pics of each other.

Below is another favorite of mine...a picture of me and someone I found dressed up as Ms. Marvel, who Rogue steals powers from in the comics:

One last picture- there was a Spiderman green screen set up so you can be a cool webslinger, just like him. Look at my costume. Notice the problem?

Sorry for the long post. I don't often share anything personal on the blog, but a few people had mentioned that they wanted to see some pics. I'll be back to normal in the next post, I promise!

Oh yea- don't forget to check out the challenge at OCC!


  1. haha! Awesome costumes! That green-screen pic made me actually laugh out loud. I love it! :)

  2. First, great clean and graphic card! Second, your sewing skills are as wonderful as your card making skills! Great costumes.

  3. awesome card! and your costume is fab!

  4. Since costumes are the norm around our house (scroll back on my blog for a peek at a superhero helping make cookies), I think it's great that you're totally dedicated to the Comic-Con fun! Fabulous!!!

  5. Totally cool!!!! Both the card AND your costumes for Comic-Con you both look AWESOME!!! Looks like your costume actually gave you the added special power of invisibility too ;D

  6. Love the clean and graphic card, so cool! Love your costumes, looks like you had a blast!! So fun!!!

  7. Love the card ... true CAS perfection!!!
    Love your costumes, wow ... not only are you a fabulous card maker but a seamstress too ... you both look awesome ... hahaha, love the green screen!
    PS: I love Rogue too ...

  8. You are definitely the Queen of CAS, Jen. Your card is awesome. I really love that image and the hand cut thought bubble is so perfect. Your costume really rocks - great job on it. Looks like you had an awful lot of fun that weekend!


  9. Love your graphic face and thought bubble, Jennifer, and how you tied it into ComicCon. Your costumes are awesome... looks like you two had a great time!

  10. Jen, before I get to your fabulous card...I LOVE your costumes from Comi-Con! I bet that was a lot of fun and I can only imagine how many people were snapping photos of you two. That's so cool! You both look like you were having a blast!

    Your card is CAS-tastic! Love the graphic image (reminds me of a comic book) and the sentiment bubble is the perfect touch. Hope your weekend is going well. Hugs! :)

  11. Love the image you used! Wish it was a stamp. Your sewing skills are awesome and my dh is really into comic books, so i am going to show him your blog post. Looks like you guys had fun!

  12. I love the simplicity of this card - the lady's head is stamped so perfectly! And your costumes are smashing. Enjoy your week, Jennifer!

  13. The word bubble is just perfect.

    Your costumes are really great, too. I love it when people take their costuming seriously.

  14. It looks like you two had a great time! I love your card (as always),it's so sharp and fun. I'm behind on my comments and had to let you know I loved it!

  15. Hi Jennifer, That was cool. Thanks for the peek into your day!


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