

SP and Co DT Wed

Good morning, folks! Thank you so much for all of the sweet comments you left me yesterday....I really appreciate each one :)

Today I have a card using one of the November release stamp sets from SP and Company, Vintage Varsity Numbers:

I made so many masculine cards last week, that I wanted to use these numbers to make a card that could be used for a guy or a girl. still looks mostly masculine to me! I love how the numbers look as a background behind the medallion. This one is getting linked up at the Moxie Fab World for the "Championing Award Medallions" challenge.

Enjoy your Wednesday!


  1. Love that subtle background - and your medallion is gorgeous!

  2. A great card. I love your medallion!!

  3. Love this card. I need to make some masculine thank you card. Got some inspiration from your blog. Thanks!

  4. I just love this, it's so pretty! :)

  5. Jen, as always, awesome-ness! Your rosette is just executed perfectly. Fantastic job!!!!

  6. Great card, Jen, and we always need something a bit masculine! Love it!!!

  7. Hey, those numbers look awesome as a bkgd...great for a guy or gal :)
    Jenny x

  8. Fabulous and the medallion is perfect! Now I just gotta figure out how to make those... have read a number of blog tutorials and I seem to have some issues...

  9. Cute card...I like the medallion!

  10. I need to figure out how to make those without a die cutting machine.

  11. Love the numbers in the bg and that medallion is fabulous Jen! Great card!

  12. Hey Jen! Thanks for linking this up to the Championing Award Medallions challenge in the Moxie Fab World! I'm so glad you joined in on all the fun! :)

  13. Congrats on your win, Love the pattern paper you used for the medallion.


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