


(if you are looking for my OCC post, scroll down or click here)

Well, here we are.  Another year older, another year wiser, and another chance to reflect.  I'd have to say that I have grown more in 2011 than any other year.  Not only in my personal life, but through my crafting as well.  I thought this would be a good chance to look back, and see my crafty progress from month to month.

But first, some highlights - and no, I am not doing this to brag...just to give myself a little pat on the back for all of my hard work!  :)

In 2011....
...I joined my first Design Team (and my 2nd, and 3rd, and 4th, and 5th, and 6th!)
...I got into the 2011 Paper Crafts Gallery Idol competition, and actually made it to top 5 :)
...I started to make relationships with other bloggers- until this year I was always too shy
...I was published! (a few times!)
...I started my own challenge blog
...I reached 100 followers- then 200!

Now onto the projects!  It's weird for me to look at them, especially since I hate some of the things I made!  (I think "ick...why would I make that?" when I look at some of them...).  Unless I missed a few, below is every project I blogged about in 2011:













Did you make it this far?  If so, here's a prize:
 Have a safe and happy new year  :)


  1. This is awesome. So fun to see so much of YOU all in one spot.

  2. Wow, talk about a fabulously crafty year... love that you posted all the projects in one spot. Now you'll wonder where all the cards went? (Please don't tell me they're gathering dust in a corner).

  3. I agree with Cristina, it is fun and a treat to see so much awesomeness all at once. Love love your work and congrats on all your achievements. Not a surprise to me because you well deserve it :)
    Happy New Year to you and your family, Jennifer!

  4. Your work is beautiful. I linked to it from Our creative Corner because I like the card you made very much and wanted to see more of your work. Good timing!
    Have a Happy and Blessed New Year.
    Rae Ann O.

  5. what an awesome post :) I can't imagine which projects you didn't like, they all look so fabulous! Can't wait to see more in 2012....happy new year Jen!

  6. Wow .... what a fabulous array of cards ... awesome in every way ... thanks for sharing, loved it!!!

  7. super duper fun...I so LOVE your style! happy new year!!!!

  8. Jenn, I don't think that you are bragging. You have made quite a few accomplishments, and I believe that you have a right to be proud. YOu have done a lot and have grown a lot. Congrats! not only to your success, but to you as another human being. You have touched a lot of lives, and have made other folks life richer by sharing yourself!
    I hope this year finds you and your family more happiness and success! your friend, sharon w.

  9. Jennifer,
    Congratulations on all of your accomplishments last year! You should be very proud. I am happy for you. I LOVE this post! It shows me all the wonderful projects I have missed on your blog this year, and now I get to take one collective look! So great! Wishing you many more new experiences and blessings in 2012! Perhaps this will be the year I get off my duff and start making some of these things happen, too! Thank you for the inspiration! and...I LOVE your style!!!

  10. Wow, so many gorgeous card in 2011!

  11. Congrats! I want to be you when I grow up!

  12. Oh - and I didn't know you had your own challenge blog. How did I miss that???

  13. What a fantastic recap of all of your gorgeous projects Jen! LOVE them all, seriously. You make the most colorful and fun cards! Congrats on all of your paper crafting successes! Here is to many more!

  14. Wow that's quite some gallery your style:)
    Happy New Year :)
    Jenny x

  15. Oh my goodness, you certainly accomplished A LOT in 2011! Hope 2012 is even craftier for you.

    And what a great showcase of your cards! I enjoyed viewing them.


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