

quick post before a deadline

I've got 4 words for you: CAS-ual Fridays Chipboard Challenge 

Told you this would be a quick post!  Off to bed I go....


  1. The colors are amazing for a baby card!

  2. great baby card...I love all those little hearts...

  3. Hi Jen. I love how you've used that doily with the pop of color on the right. Thank you so much for playing along at CAS-ual Fridays.

  4. Love the crisp and clean look of this baby card! The touch of doily is fabulous! So glad that you join the fun with us at CAS-ual Fridays!

  5. So fun Jen! Love the colors and that little doily piece! FAB!


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(note: I have disabled anonymous commenting due to the 20+ spam comments I have been receiving each day. Please email me at if this is a problem for you- I wasn't sure how many people would be unable to comment if I did this)