

Hambly Sketch Challenge! (and a painting)

Today at the Hambly Screen Prints blog there is a sketch challenge!  The gals on the DT all made projects to go along with the sketch below:

Wow, that is a beautiful sketch!  The only problem was...I make cards. And this is clearly a scrapbooking layout!  So I completely pared it down to the basics, and came up with this card set:

I hope the sketch inspires you to get crafty too!  Check out all of the details at the Hambly blog  :)

One more thing- I made a painting yesterday inspired by one of the new Fall 2012 looks.  (I hope it doesn't bother any of you that I occasionally post non-card related crafts!)

Now, this chick has a glittery belt, and as much as I tried, I couldn't get the painting to look glittery (see above).  So I did  the next best thing:

(btw, some people ask why the girls I paint don't have faces.  There are 2 reasons.  1. I paint fashion illustrations, so I want the focus to be on the clothes and not the girls.  2. Faces are hard to paint!  Whenever I try to paint a face, it comes out a bit funny.  I think I have only posted two or three paintings on this blog that had faces.  If you want to see them, you'll have to go on a hunt through the archives!)


  1. OMGoodness, I still dream of being able to do fashion sketches like this! I used to go through my mom's old Burda sewing patterns and just stare at the illustrations... Loved 'em! This is terrific and I'd love to see more!! ;)

  2. Jennifer, i LOVE all different takes on the sketch. They are equally beautiful. Thanks for the inspiration.

  3. awesome cards based on the the tape.

    cool're so multi-talented!


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