

a little tag

This tag was inspired by Dawn's Monday Mood Board.  I love the fabrics she had in the photo, and incorporated the idea of a white silhouette.  Although still subtle, you can see the watercoloring much better in real life:

I stamped and embossed the flowers onto white cardstock, then used a Copic marker to color around it.  Sorry for the quick post, but there's a cupcake right next to me that needs to be eaten :)

My Utility Belt (tools I use often!)


  1. I don't blame you for writing a quick post in case that sneaky cupcake got away. ;-)

    Your tag is really pretty Jen! Love the subtle watercolouring!

  2. How was the cupcake?? The flowers look so delicate, the perfect tag for a mom!

  3. What flavour? Well, it's a pretty important question in my book (I'd find it hard to resist a blueberry cupcake whilst bloggin') ;P
    Love the beautiful, delicate colouring of those flowers juxtaposed against the bold pink. Fabulous!

  4. I agree, love the soft coloring! Perfect contrast to the bright pink!

  5. ooh what a beautiful tag! Love the subtle water colored flowers. And wow, you colored the whole tag pink! that is really cool! have to try that sometime :)


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