The night was full of wigs, juicy jellybeans, Stamping Royalty entries, and goofiness! You'd think we were on something... hah!
Well anyway, I totally failed. My card was not finished in the 10 minutes allowed for the Craft Dash Challenge :( At the last possible second, I needed to put some green on my card, so here's what I did...
Yikes. Jennifer was so confused when she saw me tie up that green strip...and we think I may have started a new trend!
Of course, after the fact I went back and finished the card:
You can't really see the scoring detail, maybe it's a little clearer in this shot:
And now the most embarrassing part...showing you the video. Sorry for the bad lighting. For those of you who pay attention to my blog- yes- the wig is from my PAX costume! I'm running behind on sharing those photos with you, but when I get to it, it'll be worth it!
Watch at your own risk (we sound like annoying giggling girls at some parts! hehe)