

CSS Favorites: Borders

I'm back today with another project featuring the Favorites collection from Clear and Simple Stamps!  Today they are focusing on the new border dies and stripes set.

Now for a story....
2 weeks ago I was getting ready to meet Dave in Boston for dinner (Ruth's Chris Steak House...yum!) and felt like I needed a bracelet to go with my outfit.  Using the eyelet die, some pleather scraps, grey fabric, my sewing machine, and some sew-on snaps I was able to whip one only about 20 minutes!

Here are the steps (I wish I took pics along the way, but I was in a rush!):
  • Die cut the pleather.  At first I was upset that the center circles of the die didn't cut all the way through, but when I looked at it again, I thought it was really cool! Also, the piece ended up being the PERFECT length to fit around my wrist!
  • Cut a rectangle of grey fabric a little more than twice as wide as I wanted the finished bracelet, and slightly longer.
  • Fold the grey fabric in half, lining up the long edges.  Sew along this edge to create a tube, then turn inside out.
  • Fold in the two short sides at either end of the tube, then top-stitch closed.
  • Here's the fun part! Lay the leather die cut over the bracelet, and top-stitch back and forth over the whole thing with imprecise, wiggly stitches.  
  • The longest part of the whole process was sewing the snaps, about 10 minutes.  That's because I had to hand-sew them
You can see that the bracelet is a little wiggly and uneven on the top and bottom- that's because my tube wasn't perfect.  I didn't pin or measure anything as I went along, because I didn't want to be late for dinner!  If I were to do this project again, I'd probably take a few extra minutes to get it perfect!

Dave was nice enough to take some pictures of me having fun at the Boston Common in my new accessory :)

 I couldn't stop there, so I made a card inspired by the bracelet when I got home!

CSS and Laura are also posting today.  I have my fingers crossed that Laura made something amazing (plaid maybe?) with the stripes.  Either way, it's sure to be awesome- make sure to check them both out!

My Utility Belt (tools I use often!)


  1. First of all, you are the cutest - i love that dress! And the cuff?? Genius, and so cool!!

  2. You are too cute! Love the bracelet and card, and great photos!

  3. That is totally adorable! And SUPER cute pictures! I love your card, too!

  4. I love the bracelet you made. The pictures are so fun! Great card too!

  5. You are so very clever...LOVE the bracelet...genius and love the coordinating card!

  6. I am so impressed! Whipping up a bracelet to match your outfit in a short time...very cool. And you look awesome in that beautiful outfit!

  7. You are too cute with your snazzy bracelet!

  8. Okay, now this - is genius. G.E.N.I.U.S. *Love* the imprecise nature of it all, and also look at you pretty lady!! You look so fab in that dress and your funky cuff!!

  9. Gosh! How cute is that model wearing the bracelet!? :) Totally creative! Love the bracelet design and on card--wow!


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