

another doll!

Hey there, folks!

Just wanted to share a doll I sewed on Saturday with my new dies from Clear and Simple Stamps.  I was thrilled to have a few hours that were not consumed by homework! (by the way, I'm in my last week of classes...thank goodness! Then next week I have my comprehensive exams, and projects are due mid-August- the end is in sight!) my other doll has a friend! The fabric that I used is from CSS too- it's limited edition, and was being offered with the dies.  They only have a few left, so go for it if you're interested!

That's all for me right now, but I hope to post again soon.... :)


  1. What a doll! Lol. I love how you sewed her hair on. It looks like she has a headband on. I've got to try that! Best wish this month!!


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