

Wednesday Wishlist

Hey there folks! Today my 4th and 5th grade students are having their Winter Concert.  I always love this time of year...and although putting together a concert is a lot of work, it's so much fun to conduct them!

Here's what I'm wishing for this week:

I don't often buy love or Valentine's Day stamps, but I adore the bold hearts and sketch font in this one!

I have another SSS exclusive on the probably already know how awesome the large hello die is, and it is almost as awesome in a small version! I love it.

I love these fonts and sentiments!

Same comment as above...times two!!

Eeek!  I can't resist cute animal silhouettes (I love these more than animal stamps with faces, lol)

I love these for the fonts too!  Guess I'm itching for sentiments this week!

Kristina Werner uses this on pretty much every Chistmas card she makes. And I love her for it! :)

What's on your wishlist this week?


  1. Loving some of the new Hero Arts you've shown, but the main thing on my Wishlist is that new Mama Elephant release!!


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