

With Heartfelt Sympathy

I know....I said I wasn't going to post as frequently, and then all of a sudden this week I have so many!! Most of them are prescheduled DT posts, plus this was the first week of classes so things aren't that crazy....yet.

Here's a (last minute!) entry for OTWC- see inspiration pic above. Still trying to figure out how to photograph white on white! I thought putting a background in would help, but it didn't, haha. I keep seeing weird grey blotches everywhere. Maybe it's just my computer?

For this card, I committed the ultimate fashion sin- blue with brown with black:

1 comment:

  1. Ok Jennifer. This card is just amazing. You have used just the right amounts of color and your design is fabulous! I have found lately that taking a white card photo, it's best on a black backdrop. Now, I have to ask who is that dandelion stamp from? I have to know. I love it! (Can you email me? info is on my blog) Thanks for playing along with OTWC this week!

    Amy Kolling


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