

Wednesday Wishlist

It's Wednesday Wishlist time!!

I'm not sure when these will be released, but I think they are so cute!  

Have you ever seen a product that makes you believe that you can't possibly live without it? That's how I felt when I saw this nifty device popping up in all of the CHA coverage.  I am buying one the first chance I get.  I can't wait!! 

Every CHA recap I come across talks about how awesome Allison Kreft's new product line is, and I agree! I was totally bummed when Hambly Screen Prints went away (especially since I was on the DT), but I'm so happy to see some fresh new stuff with the same design flair! Allison rocks :)

Hooray for new Hero Arts!

You Are Hip

I'm not sure if I would ever figure out a way to use these, so they are not technically on my wishlist.  They seem to be sooo far outside of my design style and comfort zone! But they are seriously cool, don't ya think?? Maybe one day I'd get the courage to give them a try...

What's on your wishlist this week?


  1. I need that envelope puncher thingy! And those mini bags....and everything else, too!

  2. That envelope punch seriously has me craving it ever since I saw it coming out of CHA - must have!! I think you should get the crazy Tim Holtz stamps - I just *know* you will find a way to rock them with your style - and outside of comfort zone is good too!

  3. Aaahaha Omg I could not agree with you more on that damn envelope maker cutter thing. I want that thing like yesterday.
    And anything mini is a must for me right now those mini bags... Want. I think I need to make an Svg for mini bags like those. We could cut any paper and size...

  4. Holy smokes! I totally want that envelope punch board now, too. Thanks for the heads-up on it. Wow.

    Now I'd like a punch board for those mini bags, too. I sure have plenty of cute paper I could use for them!

  5. Envelope punch: Must have.
    Heart dies: I was just thinking this morning that I actually could really use a good set of hearts. Those look cute. SSS has a cute set, too. I'll have to review my options. LOL!
    New Hero: LOVE!
    Blueprint Stamps: LOVE and I have the same conundrum! I think I might get the minis, though..I'm sure I can make those work for me.

  6. my list is SUPER long. amy tan, allison kreft, maggie holmes, oh my gosh so many more.


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