

Iron Craft Interview!

Chaitali, from Iron Craft, recently invited me to participate in one of her video interviews!  It was a lot of fun to get to talk about crafting (along with other things, including Altenew!)...but I have to admit that I was a bit nervous too!

I hope you take some time to check out the video...there's another awesome crafter in it with me, and you have a chance to win a great prize if you leave a comment!

Here's a little look at the cards I made:

Thanks so much for stopping by!


  1. Absolutely love both of these cards!! Graphic, modern and favourite types of cards. I've tried to do a similar pattern like your first card but I just can't get the shapes to line up perfectly. Can you possibly let me in on your secret?? Thanks so much. Ooh, and loved your interview!

  2. oh my gosh!! I loved watching your interview with Tasnim!! So fun to learn more about you. I am in awe of your cards...stunning designs..both of them!!


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me a comment!

If you ask a question, please make sure that you leave your email address, or that I can view it in your profile so I can respond :)

(note: I have disabled anonymous commenting due to the 20+ spam comments I have been receiving each day. Please email me at if this is a problem for you- I wasn't sure how many people would be unable to comment if I did this)