

Altenew July Blog Hop (with prizes!)

Hey there!  I just wanted to let you know there are some BIG prizes being given away for today's Altenew blog hop, and I don't want you to miss it!  I'm posting my cards over there today, so please go check it out! :)

(and for you impatient folks, here are a few sneak peeks of what I made!)


  1. I checked out your cards on Altenew's blog - they're fabulous!

  2. Altenew's stamp sets are so gorgeous! Love the designs! (Just a heads up, the comment left by College Girl is me. I just updated my profile and changed the name. I don't want to double team the stamp giveaway - so I just wanted to give a heads up.)

  3. Congrats on a great new release! ;-)

  4. Fabulous release...each set is a winner. Loved the cards you created. I was ooohing and aaaahing all over the place. My husband asked if I felt all right. I felt terrific thanks to you and Tasnim. Not sure how my wallet's going to feel on Monday, though.

  5. SUPER fun sets in this release Jen. How awesome for you to create a stamp of your paper-quilled HELLO masterpiece! The bicycle shadow is SUPER fun too!

  6. SUPER fun sets in this release Jen. How awesome for you to create a stamp of your paper-quilled HELLO masterpiece! The bicycle shadow is SUPER fun too!

  7. I'm headed on over! Not really 'impatient' (well, maybe I am just a little bit...) though, love your little peeks! ;)


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me a comment!

If you ask a question, please make sure that you leave your email address, or that I can view it in your profile so I can respond :)

(note: I have disabled anonymous commenting due to the 20+ spam comments I have been receiving each day. Please email me at if this is a problem for you- I wasn't sure how many people would be unable to comment if I did this)