


Altenew October Release Blog Hop

You may have noticed that once again, I have been MIA on the blog.   I even missed the latest Runway Inspired Challenge, and I HATE when I have to skip it!

But, of course I have a good reason:  I have been making cards like a mad woman for today's Altenew Blog Hop!  We have an incredible line-up of designers, and some fabulous new stamp designs that will be available for purchase today!

Hopefully you came here via the Altenew blog- if not, please start over there!   Tasnim and I made cards to feature each of our 14 new stamp sets!  See some sneaks of my cards below:

I love the new sets SO much, that I couldn't put them down- below are my "overflow" cards that didn't fit into the Altenew post! (Warning: card overload coming up!)

For this card, I stamped the outline from Halftone Hello and used a Copic marker to color the bottom half.  I used a coordinating sentiment and some adorable patterned cardstock to create this sweet card for a friend of mine who is due next month!  To finish off the card, I punched out a few hearts and adhered them with foam tape.

Every year, I get worried that I'm not going to be able to finish all of the holiday cards I need to make.  I have a feeling you are going to be seeing a lot more of the Festive Silhouettes set between now and Christmas!  I stamped the deer head onto white cardstock and cut it out.  To make my background, I watercolored onto Tim Holtz watercolor paper, and once it dried I painted stripes with diluted glue.  I grabbed a container of glitter and sprinkled it all over to get these cool free-form glittery stripes!  Sentiments and stars from the set complete the card!

I really wanted to Christmas-ize one of my favorite Altenew sets, Sketchy Cities America.  I stamped it onto white cardstock and added dots with with red, green, and gold Copics.  A sentiment from Sketchy Landmarks was curved onto my acrylic block and stamped.  I drew a banner freehand with a gel pen, and cut it out before adhering with foam tape.  Note to self- design a banner set so I don't have to keep drawing them! :)

This is definitely a less traditional holiday card, since I used black as the main color.   It was the perfect backdrop for gold and white embossing!  The berry spring and pine cone are from our new Poinsettia and Pine set, and the sentiment is from Lyrical Script.  A strip of glitter ribbon and rhinestones add the perfect sparkly touch!

This card uses one of our newest multi-stamp flower sets (and we have a few for this release!).  I stamped the Painted Poppies directly onto a thick white card base for a one-layer card.  Don't you just love the font of the sentiment in this set?  SO pretty!  To add some interest, I scored along the outer edge of the card and added a strip of glitter across the bottom.  I think this post might be the most glittery I have ever had! lol.

More glitter! Although there is an ornament in the Festive Silhouettes set, I wanted to show how you could turn the star into an ornament too.  I stamped the star and bow onto white cardstock, and splattered red and green distress ink focused on the bottom corner.  I die cut the panel with a decorative frame die, and mounted it onto a square card base with 2 strips of glitter paper.  It looks almost like a little present!

Here's that deer again from Festive Silhouettes!  I attempted to make a more masculine card, and to be honest, I don't love it.  I do, however, like the little string of lights on his antlers!  I drew the swirly line first, then added the light bulbs and colored them in with Copics.  To finish the card, I stamped a sentiment with letters from Invisible Alpha- an amazing alphabet stamp set!

I love the little scene created on this card!  I started with some lovely background paper which I adhered directly to my scored card.  I embossed the chapel from Sketchy Landmarks (it's Westminster Abbey!) onto vellum, and carefully applied glue to the back on the white parts only so it would stay hidden.  The sentiment was stamped onto white cardstock and popped up with foam tape.

This card is definitely getting sent to my grandparents on my dad's side.  They sing in their church choir, and I think this will be perfect for them!!   I masked a circle onto the center of my cardstock, then blended Distress Ink so it would fade out at the edges.   When I peeled off the mask, I had a perfectly crisp circle to stamp my sentiment (from Lyrical Script).   I wanted to jazz up the glowing yellow, so I used a white gel pen and a ruler to draw lines coming out like sun rays, then swiped on a bunch of Wink of Stella for a glittery shine!

Every year I make holiday tags, and then I never use them.  I am going to make a point to ensure that some of them end up on gifts this season!  I stamped the flower from Poinsettia and Pine onto white cardstock, then colored it with marker.  I wanted to brighten it up, so I added some accents with a white gel pen.  I die cut the tag, stamped "to" and "from," then finished it with ribbon and crochet thread.  

I love how soft and pretty this card is- I started by embossing the flowers from Peony Scrolls onto white cardstock, then used my watercolors to give them some depth.  The sentiment, from Halftone Hello was stamped with chalk ink onto white cardstock and carefully cut out with scissors.  I noticed that the chalk ink worked A LOT better than dye for this detailed stamp, because the dots didn't bleed together (sadly, I got some bleeding on the card I posted on the Altenew blog).  

Phew!  Your reward for getting to the end is a chance to win a fabulous PRIZE!!

Altenew is giving away five stamp sets of choice to three lucky winners! The winners will be chosen from comments left on the Altenew blog. 

There is more! I will choose a winner from comments left on this post and the prize will be two stamps sets of your choice. You have until Friday October 31, 11:59 EST to leave your comments. You may enter up to two comments on each blog: 
  • Comment on the project, or the stamps. 
  • Like us on Facebook 
The winners will be selected and announced on Saturday November 1 at 9:00 am EST.

Good luck!  Your next step on the hop is the always amazing Jennifer McGuire!  Love her! :)


  1. Wow, wow, wow!! I love every single project! I really need all the sets :)

  2. Jen.. You sure have created a power packed set of cards :) All your MIA has been so rewarding for us :D
    Thanks for sharing your creations !

  3. Wow !! I think i have been saying this on all the post I have blog hopped till now, but that's exactly how I feel about the incredible line of inspiration I have seen using these new stamp sets ...Your cards are just so so amazing..Love the tag too !!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. WHOA Jen! These are all so amazing!! LOVE!

  6. Stunning cards! I love every single stamp that you used... This release is amazing!

  7. Amazing cards !! Each one has different style..very inspiring !

  8. So pretty! I love all of your examples Jennifer! TFS

  9. very beautiful cards! Thanks for the inspiration!

  10. Every card is beautiful but I especially love the embossed Westminster abbey scene. Thanks for the inspiration!

  11. Gorgeous cards! You are so incredibly creative!

  12. Wow! You HAVE been busy! Loved the glitter strips on the deer card, it's new to me, I must try it! Also loved the scene with the pattered paper and the abbey, they look perfect together! All awesome cards! I feel inspired to create more :)

  13. These cards are awesome! Love the Westminster Abbey scene.

  14. Beautiful Cards from great stamp sets. It would be great to win a set or two!

  15. So many awesome cards and great tag too

  16. Love your cards.Thanks for the chance to win.

  17. WOW!!!! So much eye candy in one post!!!! They are all incredibly gorgeous!!!!

  18. WOW, there are some beautiful examples here!
    I personally love the Westminster Abby stamp!! SO beautiful! I spent 7 years in the UK so that particular stamp jumped out at me!

  19. Ofcourse do I like altenew on facebook.

  20. Another great row of amazing cards I love each and every one. Wow those stampset are awesome can't wait to play with them myself. Thanks for the chance to win.

  21. What an amazing group of cards...just beautiful1!!! Thank you for sharing such amazing inspiration.

  22. An amazing release with even more amazing inspiration in all your designs!

  23. Love every single card! Absolutely stunning...

  24. .. what a fantastic new release! any your cards are just gorgeous! :) ..

  25. Beautiful cards! Love the one you're sending to your grandparents. What a wonderful release!

  26. I agree with everyone else WOW!! So elegant, refined and just stunning. The stamps are absolutely amazing and I can't wait to try these. The inspiration from this blog hop is just awesome.

  27. well, you've been quite busy, Jennifer!! these cards are BEAUTIFUL. great job with the release!! such great, versatile stamps!

  28. I am super excited to have found your blog! Today is my first visit, but certainly not my last! I love what you've created here with this beautiful release and love all the extra special touches you added yourself! I never thought to draw my own banner:) Love it! and the string of lights-wow! Thanx for the chance to win an Altenew stamp set-yay!

  29. every card is fantastic - my favorite of all the sets is the peony - so many beautiful cards made with it!!

  30. Your cards are fantastic! Love the flower stamps from Altenew

  31. Wow, you have been busy - so many beautiful cards! Love how you use glitter on your projects. Thanks for the chance to win.

  32. Wow, what an amazing collection of projects! You've showcased the stamps magnificently.

  33. Love your watercoloured peonies!! Such a wonderful design and colouring.

  34. Oh boy, have you ever been in a card making frenzy but it's so worth it. Every one of these card is exceptional. Kudos.

  35. What a pleasure to view all the lovely and inspiring cards on your blog today! I love the outline hello and the deer head best - super cute!

  36. I like Altenew on Facebook too :)

  37. wow... each card is just so amazing... the new stamps are FAB.U.LOUS!

  38. Such gorgeous cards made from some pretty awesome stamp sets!

  39. Such gorgeous cards made from some pretty awesome stamp sets!

  40. I love multi-step stamps! What a fantastic release!

  41. Congratulations on another STUNNING and versatile release Jen!
    I'm completely GAGA over all the new floral sets:)
    Placed my order early this morning as I believe many will sell out Quickly!
    The store website is so easy to use...Instead of coffee and pastries I LOVE to spend my fun $$ on stamp sets...it helps my waistline too:)

  42. Wowsers!!! Such a fantastic release and your cards are AMAZING!

  43. Beautiful stamps. Thank you for a chance to win.

  44. All of the cards are amazing. I love all of the stamps of this release.

  45. Wow!! That's a lot of cards!! And all are fabulous! Wait you used pattern paper on the first one?!?! Are you ok?!?! hehe!!

  46. O the cards and tag are magnificent and I absolutely love the yellow peony hello card. Super gorgeous.

  47. I already like Altenew on facebook!!

  48. Haha I love the card overload - one creation is better than the next! Simply amazing! I think my absolute favourites are your white embossed church on vellum (so stunning) and the gold embossing on the black card stock (soo posh!) well done & thanks so much for sharing! =o)

  49. WOW, what a LOT of cards. They are all so beautiful and so different. You are very talented to come up with so many ideas. Good job!

  50. I love pretty tags and yours certainly caught my attention. TFS!

  51. So many wonderful cards, but your watercolored peonies are fabulous!

  52. Beautiful cards, love the Painted Poppies!

  53. Love the cards. Off to see what others have created too.

  54. WOW! You have been busy!!! What wonderful cards, and new stamps! Congratulations!

  55. Oh my gosh!! GORGEOUS cards!!! I especially love the sketchy landmark one! Stunning!! Can't wait to see more of what you created throughout the week!

  56. Wow - beautiful cards. I love the Altenew products!

  57. you have made so many great cards. when do you find the time

  58. I am really amazed at all the great creations you have posted! Talk about eye candy! Really, really love the Peony card!

  59. Loved all the cards you have posted! And really liked the way you have used the lovely Peony Scrolls stamp set! Beautiful!

  60. WOW, you created awesome samples with these stunning new stamps! Love that fresh and modern style! Thank you so much for the inspiration!

  61. I already like Altenew on Facebook!

  62. Wow you have totally outdone yourself Jen! Gorgeous cards.

  63. WOW! all of your cards are creative and clever! I love this new stamp release.

  64. Your cards are fabulous. This release is awesome. The best yet.

  65. I absolutely love the peony scrolls! And that angel voices card is such a wonderful idea!

  66. Jen, I absolutely LOVE the one you did for your paternal grandparents! LOVE it. I don't see a white gel pen though. It is a stunner. And to think, these are your "overflow" cards! Beautiful! I love your Boston card -- do a DC set! An Alexandria, VA skyline is probably too much to ask, but I'm DC would be a big seller.... :) I love your company already!

  67. OH my word, each blog I visit makes me want these stamps more and more!

  68. Your projects are awesome! I love everything in this release!

  69. I love all the different uses for the stamps. My fav is the last one! It's absolutely stunning

  70. I love how you adapted the sketchy cities to be a Christmas card...what a cool idea!

  71. So many lovely cards! And so many fantastic designs. Great work!

  72. really like the new hello, both the outline and dotted forms, great use of the church

  73. Your projects are SO gorgeous. So incredibly modern and bright. I absolutly love them! Makes me giddy to create. :) Thanks for sharing and for the chance to win!

  74. Just love your fonts and images! Great new stamps and cards.

  75. Oh my, you have been busy; incredibly so! And the investment of your time, energy and creativity has resulted in a set of exponentially gorgeous cards and tags! They are all works of art! Stunning!

  76. I guess you have not been kidding when you said you were busy making cards for this release! They are awesome! You always come up with cool ways to use stamps! Fabulous new release! Congratulations!

  77. Utterly amazing cards and tag! Oh, how I love this release! Thank you for all the inspiration. You are very generous to offer up more prizes! Thanks!

  78. I also liked Altenew on Facebook!

  79. The new release of stamps are gorgeous!

  80. I really liked how you colored the peony scrolls with watercolor - absolutely beautiful!

  81. Oh, WOW! It's not so much the quantity of cards (although, that's no small thing)so much as it is the quality of the cards. I think I picked up at least one technique or concept, with just about every card, that I haven't considered or seen.

  82. Such beautiful cards <3 love all of them

  83. Been a face book follower since the early days

  84. Oh Wow! You have created so many awesome projects! I especially love the yellow sunshine/halo glow card.

  85. Wow, these are awesome cards. I cant wait to see them all. You have been very busy.

  86. Still gasping! I can see why you had fun with these stamps - fantastic release!

  87. Oh my goodness, you are prolific, wonderfully so! The baby card and angels singing ones really catch my eye.

  88. Thank you for the CARD INSPIRATION OVERLOAD!! What a bonus for so many creative ideas in one post! Wow, I love the painted poppies and the peonies and the invisible alpha and .... ok, all of them!

  89. AWESOME projects!!!

  90. I love all the cards! They are all wonderful and the stamps look like a lot of fun to work with!! Thanks for all the inspiration and for a chance to win 2 sets of stamps! Woohoo! Double score!

  91. What an incredible offering of inspiration...too many favorites to mention here!

  92. Gorgeous cards! Especially love the Peony Scrolls.

  93. Beautiful cards! Love Festive Silhouettes!

  94. Gorgeous cards. Love that Holmes quote -- so true!

  95. What a lot of fabulous cards! I think the black "Hark" one is my favorite. Beautiful, just beautiful, one and all. thanks!

  96. oh I lost my words .. I just got lots of inspiration from your post and gasp!! you're working like taken all your ages! all your cards and tags bring me the Christmas soul already! Thank you so much Jen.. and it would be my pleasant if I could be your friend :)

  97. These are all amazing Jen! You have been busy! Love the really graphic black/gold pinecone card, the halftone hello of course, and, well, all of them!!

  98. oh my goodness! I love all of your cards!

  99. Wow! Beautiful stamps AND outstanding creations. Thank you for the inspiration.

  100. love the give away chance on your beautiful new stamps - great cards.

  101. Great release yet again. I have so many favorite stamps. These stamps are so good for various techniques. Awesome cards Jennifer.

  102. Beautiful cards and the stamp sets are just lovely!!!

  103. The deer head with the gold glitter striped background is such an awesome contrast

  104. Wonderful release-- I especially love the floral sets!!

  105. Gorgeous cards made with beautiful stamps

  106. My gosh you really were on a roll! Gorgeous cards!

  107. Each card is a piece of art!Awesome job. TFS

  108. These are so beautiful...I love Westminster Abbey!

  109. I love the sentiments using Christmas carol lyrics.Brilliant and such a fresh take for Christmas cards. And the peonies... and the poppy, and those invisible alphas. It is hard to choose a favorite.

  110. Wow! This is card over load today and they are all amazing. You have definitely been creative and they are all fabulous. The Westminster Abby card may just be my favorite!

  111. All of these cards are just lovely. I don't know which ones I like the most.

  112. I love all of your cards but the one that really caught my eye was the Hello Baby card. Just love your choice of colors for it!

  113. Awesome stamps and awesome cards, love them.

  114. WOW WOW WOW! I'm loving this release its beyond amazing!! So much on my list!

  115. Beautiful, just beautiful one and all. I have already order four sets to start with. Such a wonderful release and highlighted to perfection. Congratulations

  116. Amazing cards, Jen! LOVE each and every project of yours as well as the stamp sets :)

  117. I love them all, but the O hear the angels singing is simply gorgeous!

  118. Oh my...you HAVE been busy!! Tons of amazing samples with awesome new stamp sets!! Love them all!!

  119. Wow! Awesome cards here. I'm still loving that Poppy set! And your last card is just amazing!

  120. Seriously?! You are amazing! I was in awe of your projects on the Altenew blog, but I'm totally in love with these, too. I kept thinking, "This is my favorite...no, this is my favorite...no, this is my favorite!" Thank goodness for Pinterest, so I can pin and revisit them all. :)

  121. All beatiful cards - I am loving these new stamps and would love to add more to my Altenew collection.

  122. So many beautiful cards. The city landscape with all the windows glowing in Christmas lights is especially eye catching.

  123. These are stunning cards from an amazing release! I want all of it :) What a fabulous collection - a combination of cool and elegant. I will be pinning lots :)

  124. Wow! What an incredible array of cards! Each one is fabulous for various reasons! I'm impressed!

  125. Geesh. Can you say "prolific"? I'm predicting a new trend of free-form glittery stripes. And I love everything you do with watercolors. Great release.

  126. Wow! Beautiful cards! Love the Westminster Abbey stamp and the lovely tag :)

  127. We don't mind the card overload! love the cards you made with the Christmas stamps esp. the Westminster Abbey one.

  128. liked Altenew on fb (also love your yellow roses card)

  129. Such gorgeous cards and tags! I love all of the wonderful touches of gold and silver...so pretty!

  130. Jen, I love your creativity...the cards are amazing! You always add a touch that makes each card special.

  131. Jen, these stamps from Altenew are really great...there's a bit of everything...love the peonies and that church is just really special!

  132. um, WOW. Your style is so amazing....love each of your cards!

  133. The last peony Scrolls card is my absolute favourite and has me running off to buy this set - wow great blog hop thanks all!

  134. Um, I can't pick my jaw up off my desk!!!! WOW!!! All of these are totally amazing. Great inspiration using these awesome new stamp sets!!!

  135. These cards are all so beautiful - so much inspiration! I especially liked the bright yello sunburst - it just caught my eye immediately. So simple and so lovely.

  136. Great cards! Love the new stamp sets!

  137. Gorgeous card designs. Love the new stamp sets, they are lovely.

  138. Amazing! I am loving that line flower and your birthday girl card is so soft and beautiful!

  139. Love the free form glitter stripes! Each card is better than the next.

  140. You have been very productive. ;) I love the new sets, and you have given me reason to look twice at a few. I particularly love the painted glitter stripes. I think I need to try that out. Wonderful cards.

  141. These are ever so AMAZING and just darn right AWESOME!!! LOVE.LOVE.LOVE.

  142. Your cards and tags are stunning. I love the city line in Christmas :)

  143. Looks like you had all kinds of fun with the new release! I especially love the black card - so striking!

  144. Wow! All the cards are amazing, but I especially love the free-form glittery stripes!!

  145. Beautiful cards, I especially love the yellow flowers!

  146. Love your cards, especially the yellow one for your grandparents. Amazing!

  147. These cards are amazing!! I specially love the last card... wonderful!

  148. HOLY cards!! the card for your grandparent is breathtaking. Love it! All ideas excellent

  149. What a great release! Fabulous cards !!!

  150. What fabulous projects, all! My favorites are the Westminster Abbey card against the patterned paper background, and the hymn sentiment against that bright yellow background!

  151. You were definitely inspired by this new release! Thanks for showing all of your gorgeous projects!

  152. I can see why you ended up creating so many cards...these stamps sets seem to have endless possibilities...love, love, love them. Thanks for sharing.

  153. Wonderful, I love what you've created here with this great release and love all the extra special touches you added. I never thought to draw my own banner. TFS.

  154. These cards are beautiful. The flower stamps are lovely. I especially liked the "O hear the angels voices" since I used to sing in a choir.

  155. Wow, no wonder you have been MIA...so much inspiration here.

  156. What awesome cards you've made!
    Thank you for the inspirations!

  157. Great Cards! I'd love to win some of these gorgeous stamps. Marlene

  158. Gorgeous cards! Love the new stamps. TFS xxx

  159. Yu were busy! I really love the painted poppy stamps, and the lyrical script, and the lacy scrolls, and - oh, I love them all! Great idea for creating sun rays. TFS!

  160. To cute, I have a new grand baby on the way and oh my these stamps are to perfect. Can't get any better well until the next time I guess. Thanks

  161. WOW These cards are all so beautiful but the one with the Westminster Abbey image really caught my eye!

  162. I liked you on FB as Karen Ladd!

  163. what a spectacular release of stamps! Gorgeous samples as usual!

  164. What a collection of amazing cards! I love the cityscape card and the one with the glittery stripes!

  165. I also liked Altenew on Facebook

  166. Some really great projects. This company has wonderful flower and word sets. Thank you for sharing.

  167. I just went and "liked" the FB page......wonderful products.

  168. Seriously gorgeous cards! My wish list is long, sigh. I really need some of these though! I love your mix of styles you're so versatile!!!

  169. WOW! What a stunning selection of fantastic cards! Hard to pick a favorite, but Hark the Herald, Angels Sing, really jumped out at me. All of the cards are truly beautiful!

  170. What a wonderful variety of cards you've created to showcase the new releases. I was especially taken with the Painted Poppy anniversary card, the Westminster Abbey Christmas card and your coloring on the Hello Birthday Girl card.

  171. I just love the yellow, sun rays card. Why didn't I think of doing that?? This release is really nice. I'm anxious to try them

  172. I like the "Happy Anniversary" stamp and the "hello" stamp. Thanks for sharing these card ideas and new stamps.

  173. What a lovely collection of cards, Jen. Simply fabulous!

  174. Wow, so many fabulous cards showing off this great release!

  175. Beautiful, beautiful examples of the new sets coming out! I loved your Westminster Abbey embossed on the design paper - so classy!

  176. ....and I've like you on FB since you appeared on the scene!

  177. Awesome cards!!! I love the sun rays card!

  178. Love how you adapted Sketchy Cities! But they're all lovely and I hope I win some sets!


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me a comment!

If you ask a question, please make sure that you leave your email address, or that I can view it in your profile so I can respond :)

(note: I have disabled anonymous commenting due to the 20+ spam comments I have been receiving each day. Please email me at ourchangeofart@gmail.com if this is a problem for you- I wasn't sure how many people would be unable to comment if I did this)

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