Before you get involved with this post, I want to warn you- there are many photos ahead that don't have anything to do with cardmaking. Leave now if you must :)
I feel like this is well-known, but maybe you are new here: I am a geek. I love math. I love video games. I love sci-fi. And I love doing dorky things. More specifically,
cosplay. (look it up if that term is new to you...)
This past weekend was Pax East- basically a convention for video games. My husband and I love to go so we can check out new/not yet released games from big name and indie developers. And yes, we go in costume. (completely home-sewn, by the way!)
This year, we dressed up as Gum and Beat, 2 characters from an old Sega Dreamcast game called Jet Set (or Jet Grind) Radio.
This one is Gum:
See the rollerblades? We wanted our costumes to be as accurate as possible, so we modded out our rollerblades to look like the ones in the game. Once we got on the convention floor, we put them on, and it was so much fun to skate around! Sadly, about 2 hours into the day we were walked out by security for being "in violation" of their policies. Grr! Good thing we had backup shoes, so we were able to go back in and enjoy the rest of the day.
....and here are some of our pictures!
showing Sonic who's boss
This one's for Aimes :) I'm intimidating GLaDOS from Portal (with Chell)
And since we only had our point and shoot camera with us, the best pictures are ones we found online after the Con.
Yea....basically our "thing" was pretending to spray people with spray paint. We should have come up with more poses!
I've got about a gazillion more pictures and fun things about the convention to share, but I know my papercrafting blog is not the place. Thanks for visiting!